Today we have a topic that is used by everyone, talks to some but not others, moves some and freezes others. What could it be??
Inspiration is one of those intangible concepts that is a huge mystery, but when it works there is no questioning it! I have decided to include the official definitions of the term, hopefully this will help us a little in our discussion.
So- according to Google Dictionary,
Inspiration is a noun
- the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
- I really want to think of this in it's simplest definition - as something that moves me to be creative and allow something that is inside of me to come out in some manner. Most times with me, it is usually a photograph or painting, flowers, and color schemes.
Let me show some of my personal examples:

love this photo. From the composition to the design of the clothing,
it makes me want to work in contrasting colors. It does not have to be
black and white, but I want it to include a "POP" of color or pattern,
similar to how the print is something that you are not expecting.

Fly Butterfly!!! This photo makes me think of an ombre project. I
want to do it in the blues and greens the same as in the photo. Maybe
an ombre beaded bracelet that everyone is trying. And copper findings -
I like how it looks on that one upper right hand wing.
And the final one.....

have to totally admit this - I adore Monet. The painting above is
actually not one of my favorites, but I wanted to show how you can be
inspired by surprising things. I find it a little heavy and clunky.
But if you look beyond that, I am fascinated by the color combinations
used. I probably would never combine some of those colors in the same
project. But when you look at them in combination - they work to create
a beautifully colored item.
try to sum this up. Inspiration can come from any direction, from
anything, and may not be a instant feeling of "I have to use that!".
Basically you need to be open to influences around you. You may be
moved by something you would never imagine, so do not dismiss something
because it is not your normal. You may be surprised.
Thanks for visiting, now go bead something!!!